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  RESERVED WORDS    Comments on reserved words.

  Clipper Version  1.29 dtd 04/15/91.

  Problem Statement

  Numerous users have reported problems which have been traced to the
  use of variable names which conflict with Clipper 5.0 commands or

  Work Around(s)

  Exercise caution in the choice of variable names. Remember, if your
  variable name is four characters long and these characters match the
  first four letters of a Clipper 5.0 or UDC command, you've got problems.
  Just avoid this situation as well as names that match Clipper 5.0
  commands and statements. Remember also, If you create a UDF of the same
  name as a Clipper 5.0 function, its action will supersede Clipper's.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson